
  • Hunting Games Demo
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 18. 22:15

    This game drops you into a 3D world of whitetail, elk, and buffalo, where you stalk your prey, conceal yourself, and aim for the animals' 'kill zones' to bag trophies. Hunting Unlimited 2 works like a standard first-person shooter, wherein you move your character in four directions with the arrow keys and draw a bead with the mouse. Accessories such as binoculars, deer calls, and, yes, buck urine help you track your target and make the kill.The demo version provides five of the 75 total missions, and many of the extra modes-such as shooting range, free hunt, and mini-games-are not available. Squirrel Bash, the one mini-game in the demo, is an amusing point-and-shoot exercise, but the heart of the gameplay is the missions.

    As with most hunting games, you can get stuck walking around looking for animals, but we easily found several deer and buffalo in the first five missions. Though the graphics don't compare to high-end games, the system requirements are correspondingly low. One nice touch is a bulletcam view.

    It interrupts gameplay, but it's a tremendous feeling to follow the path of your bullet as it pierces the heart of a buck from 180 yards away. This game drops you into a 3D world of whitetail, elk, and buffalo, where you stalk your prey, conceal yourself, and aim for the animals' 'kill zones' to bag trophies. Hunting Unlimited 2 works like a standard first-person shooter, wherein you move your character in four directions with the arrow keys and draw a bead with the mouse. Accessories such as binoculars, deer calls, and, yes, buck urine help you track your target and make the kill.The demo version provides five of the 75 total missions, and many of the extra modes-such as shooting range, free hunt, and mini-games-are not available.

    DemoHunting Games  Demo

    Squirrel Bash, the one mini-game in the demo, is an amusing point-and-shoot exercise, but the heart of the gameplay is the missions. As with most hunting games, you can get stuck walking around looking for animals, but we easily found several deer and buffalo in the first five missions. Though the graphics don't compare to high-end games, the system requirements are correspondingly low. One nice touch is a bulletcam view. It interrupts gameplay, but it's a tremendous feeling to follow the path of your bullet as it pierces the heart of a buck from 180 yards away. Hunting Unlimited 2 is a next-generation hunting game combining the successful features of its predecessor with features most requested by its fans, including free-hunt mode with enhanced AI, improved graphics, more-detailed scoring, user-created missions, new bulletcam mode, more types of animals to hunt, and a bigger variety of sporting arms.NoteThis game is only available via the CNET Download Manager.


    Hunting Simulator

    If you do not already have it installed, both download links above will prompt installation, then automatically begin downloading the Hunting Unlimited 2 demo.

    The Most Realistic Hunting Game Today!You've just locked your sights on to the most realistic hunting experience of a lifetime. Hunting Unlimited 4 puts you in the midst of action-packed missions with the biggest game and the most authentic environments. Hunting Unlimited 1 was 'SO EXCELLENT', Hunting Unlimited 2 was 'Disapointing', Hunting Unlimited 3 was 'VERY Disapointing' and finally Hunting Unlimited is 'DISGUSTING' I am proud to tell you that I didn't wasted my money to buy that ugly game by downloading a full pirated copy. The graphic engine of HU2 & HU3 is outdated! We are in 2006!! Create something NEW!

    Think of Deer Hunter 2004 & 2005, Trophy Hunter 2003. Those graphic engines are WONDERFUL. HU4 is crap don't even download this demo you will be disapointed, there is no new gun, no so new animal.

    Same disgusting graphics as HU2 CRAP CRAP CRAP!!! I'm angry because of THIS game. Play 'Carnivores 2' instead.

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